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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Why is there something rather than nothing?????????

the most perplexing question of not only physics but the entire science is:

well i dont have the answer but i can assure you tht u still havent got the feel of the question........................

recently NASA released photos taken by the hubble telescope and made them public............looking at these photos one realizes how vast the universe is.............
almost 90% of the entire universe is empty........sheer nothingness..................
about the rest 10% can be categorized as matter...............
matter is made up by atoms which are further made up by eletrons and protons................

now 99.99% of the atom is empty........again sheer nothingness..............and according to quantum mechanics the electron's position and velecity cannot be determined accurately, so we speak of the probability of finding the electron in a certain position...............now quantum mechanics also says that the electron exists only if it is obeserved............the observers being us(assuming no other life in this universe)
the observers hardly form 1 by 1 trillionth part of this universe(i trillion is an approximation made by me, actually it is far more)....................

now 90% of the universe is empty....out the remaining 10%, 99.99% is also empty and the rest remaining 0.001% exists only because we observe it(and the observers being a negligible part of this universe)...............

so is there something or nothing at all is the question to ask.....................

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Physics Facts

Here r some facts abt physics u shd know if u r studyin the subject:

1. We all knw tht the universe began with no net charge, i.e. charge ws conserved ....................
     but wat ws the ratio of electrons to that of protons in the beginning?????????
     1:1 u say............wrong!!!!!!!!
there were 1 proton for every 10000 electrons.........even more so...........
at the beginning there were majorly electrons and positrons and photons and neutrinos................
it ws after a long time of 700 million years that the first atom came into being after the big bang

2.Why r the equations given by einstein to explain the transformation of frames known as lorentz tranformations????????
actually these eqns were discovered by lorentz long time before Einstein even thought of no ether medium..........
however these eqns were given to explain some phenomenons exhibited by electrons and protons..................but somehow lorentz gave a very complicated explanation regarding the derivation of these eqns(Currently known as S.T.R) and wasnt accepted............it ws poincare who named these eqns given by einstein as lorentz eqns to honor the scientist............

3.Quantum mechanics is the second most experimentally verified theory after relativity................but there is no way to obtain the newtonian picture frm it as we do frm relativity wen we put v<<c.............its as if there is no transformation btw quantum mechanics and newtonian mechanics............
Do njot froget that even the largest of our stars r still made up of tiny particle that r governed by quantum mech. whereas the star is governed by newtonian mechanics..............

4.The basic fundamental pillars of physics r missing....................as of now basic fundas lack a clear definition..............try for urself.......answer these questions
              1.what is mass???
              2.what is charge????
              3.what is a wave????
              4.what is energy?????
if u hv an answer then plz let me knw..........................

5.Michelson ws the 1st american to get the nobel prize for physics................he go that for his famous experiment named after him..............michelson morley experiment............an experiment tht ws intitially carried out to detect the presence of ether............
FACT: he got the prize 2 years after einstein gave his special theory of relativity................

6.Gravity as such doesnt have an equillibria in the universe............there is no force opposing it.............yet the universe expands!!!!!!!!!!

7.the spiral arms of spiral galaxies lack an explanation...............

8.if there is any possibility of ever meeting with aliens the most advanced civilization tht we will ever encounter would be tht of a bacteria.................

9.which terrestial object in our solar system has a bigger possibilty of supporting life???????
the answer is a small moon of jupiter Europa which is covered in ice............scientists think that there may exist water at a depth of 32 kms from the surface..................first life on earth emerged in the water............however such a life on europa would not be able to contact us because of the 32 km ice sheet above them......................

look out for more................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
