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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Why is there something rather than nothing?????????

the most perplexing question of not only physics but the entire science is:

well i dont have the answer but i can assure you tht u still havent got the feel of the question........................

recently NASA released photos taken by the hubble telescope and made them public............looking at these photos one realizes how vast the universe is.............
almost 90% of the entire universe is empty........sheer nothingness..................
about the rest 10% can be categorized as matter...............
matter is made up by atoms which are further made up by eletrons and protons................

now 99.99% of the atom is empty........again sheer nothingness..............and according to quantum mechanics the electron's position and velecity cannot be determined accurately, so we speak of the probability of finding the electron in a certain position...............now quantum mechanics also says that the electron exists only if it is obeserved............the observers being us(assuming no other life in this universe)
the observers hardly form 1 by 1 trillionth part of this universe(i trillion is an approximation made by me, actually it is far more)....................

now 90% of the universe is empty....out the remaining 10%, 99.99% is also empty and the rest remaining 0.001% exists only because we observe it(and the observers being a negligible part of this universe)...............

so is there something or nothing at all is the question to ask.....................

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