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Monday, March 21, 2011

Gauss's law and applications

Gauss’s law and applications

            Suppose a aphere enclosing a charge q of radius R

Electric field at the surface of the sphere at all points is:
            Because of the spherical symmetry of the electric field of the charge.
Flux through sphere is:
                        Φ = ∫E.da = (q/R²)(4пR²)
                                         = 4пq
                        Φ = 4пq
Therefore we have a general law known as the gauss’s law which states that:
“The amount of electric flux through a closed surface is equal to 4п times the total algebraic sum of the charges enclosed by that surface in vacuum.”

Gauss’s law is a very effective way to calculate symmetrical fields. However for unsymmetrical fields the law becomes exceptionally difficult to solve although it still holds for them.


            Field of a spherical charge distribution          
                        Assume a sphere of radius R and volume charge density ρ
                        Take a Gaussian surface in the form of a sphere of radius r as shown.

Two cases will arise here:
                        A) r<R and
                        B) r>R
                        Case A:
                        Flux through the surface is
                                    Φ = ∫E.da

                                    Φ = E(4пr²)      …..1

                        According to gauss’s law
                                    Φ = 4пq
                                    q = (ρ) x (Volume)
                                       = ρ x (4/3)пr³
                                    Φ = 4пρ((4/3)пr³)   …..2
                        Equating 1 and 2
                                    E(4пr²) = 4пρ((4/3)пr³)
                                    E = (4/3)пρr

                                    ρ = q/((4/3)пR³)

                                    E = (qr/R³)ř

                        Case B:

                                    Φ = ∫E.da = E(4пr²)    ……..1

                        According to gauss’s law

                                    Φ = 4пq = 4пρ((4/3)пR³)    ……….2

                                    Equating 1 and 2 we get
                                                E = (q/r²)ř

RESULT:  This is as if the entire sphere behaves like a point charge of magnitude q placed at its center.

Similarly we can say that the field of a hollow sphere with a surface charge q the electric field is zero inside it, which is in accordance with the result we have already proven.       

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