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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Superstring Theory: The theory of everything??????

When Einstein gave his famous General theory of relativity he was dreaming of a unified physics...............
A single Equation to describe the four fundamental forces of nature: Weak forces, Strong nuclear force, E.M, and gravitational....................
However gravitational force has resisted all attempts on the same................
After giving his famous theory Einstein began to work the Grand unified theory that could explain all phenomenon on the basis of Geometry: a tool which he had employed for the general theory of relativity.................
he had employed a metric tensor given by Reimann for a n- dimensional space......a very powerful tool....
all einstein had to do was extend the metric tensor for 4 dimensional space...........
not very long after he recieved a paper from a physicst kaluza that if we extended the reimann geometry to a 5 dimensionla space we get a tensor that unifies E.M and gravitational field very beautifully.................
althugh at tht time there was no need to believe tht space could have more than 4 dimensions so the theory remained dormant for a century known as kaluza klein theory................
Quantum mechanics took over the work of einstein but still gravitational resisted persistently...........
E.M., weak nuclear forces, strong nuclear forces were unified under a model known as the standard model...............
soon it became evident taht gravitational force could not be united coz it yielded non sensical answers..........
but interest rose again in the kaluza klein theory( it still had some unexplained phenomeon and needed corrections drastically)............
The kaluza klein theory had nothing to do with strings.................but in the 20th century an unexpected thing happened..........some scientists derived entire formulations of gravitation based on the basic properties of strings..............
apllying kaluza klein theory to the strings yeilded us the first form of superstring theory called as string theory which claims to have united the four forces of nature.......................
after much more refinement the theory ws rechristened as superstring theory.........................................

bcoz the theory was a result of an accident in the 20th century the exact mathematics required to solve the theory completely has not been formulated as yet...........yet some results r evident in the form tht the strings require at least 10 dimensions for self sustained vibrations...............
haower the energy required to prove this theory is correct or not is about the order of planck's energy which is exceptionally high considering the fact that even our biggest atom smashers run at lower than half the plancks energy.................................
so superstring theory has unified the forces under one single banner and tht too very beautifully but we still lack an experimental proof to it..................

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